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Personal Life & Relationship Coach. I am
Sammy Veal!

Hello! I’m Sammy, and I’m going to help you through this journey. The benefit I get from seeing my clients happy and thriving, pushes me to be better myself. Let’s thrive together. 

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Our Services

Life coaching is about helping you get unstuck

As a life and relationship coach, I specialize in helping you find your way out of feeling stuck and guide you towards a life filled with purpose and joy. My approach is centered on understanding your unique challenges and crafting a personalized path forward. Together, we will uncover the obstacles that hold you back, set inspiring goals, and develop strategies that empower you to achieve them. Let’s embark on this transformative journey where each step is a move towards a more fulfilled and vibrant you. Curious to learn how? Let’s connect and explore the possibilities that await you.

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Professional & Experienced Coach

As a seasoned life and relationship coach, I offer expert guidance to navigate your personal growth journey effectively and compassionately.

The time you waste worrying is the enemy of your success

Worrying drains valuable energy and time that could be spent on actions that propel you towards success. By focusing on solutions rather than problems, you reclaim your power and accelerate your progress.

Life Coaching

My life coaching service is designed to empower you to identify and achieve personal and professional goals through tailored, one-on-one sessions. I focus on unlocking your potential, overcoming barriers, and crafting actionable strategies for a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Relationship Coaching

My relationship coaching service offers guidance and strategies to strengthen your interpersonal relationships. Through enhanced communication skills, conflict resolution techniques, and a deep understanding of relational dynamics, I help you build lasting, meaningful connections.

Online Learning

My online learning service provides accessible, flexible education tailored to your individual learning pace and style. With a vast array of courses and resources, I facilitate skill development and continuous education, breaking down barriers to personal and professional growth.

My approach to counseling

My counseling approach is compassionate and client-centered, focusing on your unique needs. I use a blend of therapeutic techniques to foster self-discovery, growth, and healing in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.

Initial Assessment and Goal Identification
Tailored Guidance and Strategy Development
Skill-Building and Mindset Development
Accountability and Progress Tracking
Why Choose Dr. Veal Good

Discover a Life of Purpose and Fulfillment

Certified Professional
Personalized Approach
Proven Track Record
Premium Support

Client Feedback

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This invitation is your first step towards personal and professional growth. Whether you’re facing challenges in your relationships, career, or personal life, a free consultation can set the foundation for transformative changes. Don’t wait to unlock your potential—reach out today and begin your journey to success!

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Proven personal development curriculum

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Exclusive online courses and community seminar

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Full-year of on-demand learning

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Suspendisse donec nullam scelerisque pharetra mus non lacus nulla tristique. Egestas ante turpis auctor ultricies proin. Aliquet tincidunt sollicitudin pulvinar lorem venenatis eu ante augue dui hendrerit.

Suspendisse donec nullam scelerisque pharetra mus non lacus nulla tristique. Egestas ante turpis auctor ultricies proin. Aliquet tincidunt sollicitudin pulvinar lorem venenatis eu ante augue dui hendrerit.

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Suspendisse donec nullam scelerisque pharetra mus non lacus nulla tristique. Egestas ante turpis auctor ultricies proin. Aliquet tincidunt sollicitudin pulvinar lorem venenatis eu ante augue dui hendrerit.

Suspendisse donec nullam scelerisque pharetra mus non lacus nulla tristique. Egestas ante turpis auctor ultricies proin. Aliquet tincidunt sollicitudin pulvinar lorem venenatis eu ante augue dui hendrerit.

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Life coaching is a transformative process designed to empower individuals to maximize their personal and professional potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. Unlike therapy, which often delves into past experiences and psychological issues, life coaching primarily focuses on the present and future, helping clients identify their aspirations and develop actionable strategies to attain them.
At its core, life coaching is about facilitating self-discovery and growth. I work closely with clients to clarify their values, strengths, and aspirations, helping them gain deeper insights into themselves and their desires. Through insightful questioning, active listening, and constructive feedback, coaches help clients uncover limiting beliefs, self-imposed barriers, and ineffective patterns of thinking and behavior that may be hindering their progress.

One of the key elements of life coaching is goal setting. I assist clients in defining clear, achievable goals that align with their values and aspirations. These goals may encompass various aspects of life, including career, relationships, health, personal development, and more. Once goals are established, I guide clients in developing concrete action plans, breaking down goals into manageable steps, and providing accountability and support throughout the journey.

Effective communication and relationship building are also fundamental to the life coaching process. I create a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly. Through deep listening and empathy, coaches foster trust and rapport, allowing clients to feel understood, valued, and supported.

Furthermore, life coaching equips clients with essential skills and tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence. This may include techniques for managing stress, enhancing self-awareness, improving communication skills, fostering resilience, and cultivating a growth mindset. I may also introduce clients to various assessments, exercises, and resources to facilitate personal and professional development.

Ultimately, life coaching is a collaborative partnership between the coach and client, driven by the client’s agenda and aspirations. By providing guidance, encouragement, and accountability, I empower clients to unleash their full potential, cultivate meaningful relationships, and create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and authenticity.

I offer in person and online sessions and I also travel globally for clients who prefer in person sessions but are not from Houston. Special rates apply.

Relationship coaching

Relationship coaching, to me, is a profound and deeply rewarding journey of guiding individuals and couples towards deeper connection, understanding, and fulfillment in their relationships. As a relationship coach, I am passionate about helping my clients cultivate thriving and harmonious relationships that enrich their lives and bring them joy.

My approach to relationship coaching is rooted in the belief that healthy, fulfilling relationships are essential to our well-being and happiness. Whether it’s a romantic partnership, a familial bond, a friendship, or a professional relationship, the quality of our connections profoundly impacts every aspect of our lives. My mission is to empower my clients to cultivate relationships that are grounded in authenticity, mutual respect, and genuine connection.

Central to my practice is the creation of a safe and supportive space where clients can explore their relationship dynamics openly and without judgment. I approach each client with empathy, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to their growth and well-being. Together, we delve into the complexities of their relationships, uncovering underlying patterns, beliefs, and dynamics that may be contributing to discord or dissatisfaction.

One of the key pillars of relationship coaching is communication. I work closely with my clients to enhance their communication skills, helping them express their needs, desires, and emotions with clarity, empathy, and authenticity. We explore effective listening techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and tools for navigating difficult conversations with grace and compassion.

Another essential aspect of relationship coaching is self-awareness. I help my clients gain deeper insights into themselves and their relationship patterns, empowering them to break free from old habits, beliefs, and behaviors that may be sabotaging their relationships. Through introspection and reflection, they cultivate a greater understanding of their own needs, boundaries, and desires, laying the foundation for more authentic and fulfilling connections.

In addition to individual work, I also offer couples coaching for those navigating romantic relationships. Together, we explore the dynamics of their partnership, identify areas of strength and growth, and co-create strategies for deepening intimacy, trust, and connection. Whether they’re facing challenges such as communication breakdowns, conflict, or trust issues, I provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help them overcome obstacles and strengthen their bond.

Ultimately, my goal as a relationship coach is to empower my clients to create relationships that are sources of joy, fulfillment, and growth. By fostering deeper self-awareness, enhancing communication skills, and cultivating healthier relationship dynamics, I help my clients build stronger, more resilient connections that enrich their lives and bring them greater happiness and fulfillment. It’s an honor and a privilege to support them on this transformative journey towards deeper, more meaningful relationships.

I offer in person and online sessions and I also travel globally for clients who prefer in person sessions but are not from Houston. Special rates apply.

online learning

In the coming months, I’ll be hosting exclusive learning sessions, that will take your personal goals and relationship goals to the next level. Stay tuned for more information.